Friday, August 21, 2020

Observation Essay Topics - How Observation Can Help Teachers

Observation Essay Topics - How Observation Can Help TeachersMany students put off writing observation essays because they're unsure about the research and writing skills that will be required. The truth is, observation essays should be taught in high school. By teaching it early, students are able to focus on more complex writing assignments that demand more sophisticated skills.What are some observation essay topics? One of the best is about a student who works with autism. The student and his or her family feel their son has a 'mental disability' but their family believes that the child has a gift. Students can use the story of this student to help them determine whether or not a gifted child may be autistic.To better understand autism research, students should write about three subjects. The first is the debate between the specialists about how to classify autism. This second topic is the causes of autism and what causes it.A third topic is biologic theories. The theory states tha t autism and bipolar disorder are genetic disorders that are difficult to treat. Some families have reported an increased risk for this condition if the child has a parent who has been diagnosed with either of these conditions.One of the best observational essays, students can write is one about a student who works hard and plays hard. While this essay sounds simple, many students have a hard time seeing the difference between hard work and unfair playing. Instead of finding a writerly way to explain this difference, students should look for examples from actual students instead.For example, they can read a student's work and see how that student does things differently than other students do. They might also look at the way a student carries herself when she works. With this information, they can try to see if the student is 'doing it her way' or whether she is simply playing hard.In high school, students should also write a brief description of a daily routine that isn't all that different from other kids'. They might take pictures of their routines or they might describe how they sleep at night or what it is like when they get up in the morning. Reading about what these students do is an excellent way to gain a real sense of what a typical life would be like for someone who lives with autism.The point of these observations is to make students realize that they should be looking at the different components of their life, including their 'personal experiences,' rather than just seeing a person. It's important for students to realize that each of us is unique and that each person's experiences are unique as well. By giving a description of this student's life, students will have an idea of how life might be different for someone with autism. They will also see how it could impact their own lives.

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