Saturday, August 31, 2019

Areas of Sociology Essay

Sociology is a very broad and diverse field. There are many different topics and scopes in the field of sociology, some of which are relatively new. The following are some of the major areas of research and application within the field of sociology. For a full list of sociology disciplines and areas of research, visit the sociology disciplines page. Family. The sociology of family examines things such as marriage, divorce, child rearing, and domestic abuse. Specifically, sociologists study how these aspects of the family are defined in different cultures and times and how they affect individuals and institutions. Deviance And Crime. These sociologists, also called criminologists, examine cultural norms, how they change over time, how they are enforced, and what happens to individuals and societies when norms are broken. Deviance and social norms vary among societies, communities, and times, and often sociologists are interested in why these differences exist and how these differences impact the individuals and groups in those areas. Demography. Demography refers to a population’s composition. Some of the basic concepts explored in demography include birth rate, fertility rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, and migration. Demographers are interested in how and why these demographics vary between societies, groups, and communities. Social Inequality. The study of social inequality examines the unequal distribution of power, privilege, and prestige in society. These sociologists study differences and inequalities in social class, race, and gender. Sociologists who study health and illness focus on the social effects of, and societal attitudes towards, illnesses, diseases, disabilities, and the aging process. This is not to be confused with medical sociology, which focuses on medical institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and physician offices as well as the interactions among physicians. Work And Industry. The sociology of work concerns the implications of technological change, globalization, labor markets, work organization, managerial practices, and employment relations. These sociologists are interested in workforce trends and how they relate to the changing patterns of inequality in modern societies as well as how they affect the experiences of individuals and families. Race And Ethnicity. The sociology of race and ethnicity examines the social, political, and economic relations between races and ethnicities at all levels of society. Topics commonly studied include racism, residential segregation, and the differences in social processes between racial and ethnic groups. Military sociology looks at the military as a social group rather than an organization and examines issues related to coerced collective action, survival in vocation and combat, civilian-military relations, and interactions between other groups or government agencies. Education. The sociology of education is the study of how educational institutions determine social structures and experiences. In particular, sociologists might look at how different aspects of educational institutions (teacher attitudes, peer influence, school climate, school resources, etc. ) affect learning and other outcomes. Religion. The sociology of religion concerns the practice, history, development, and roles of religion in society. These sociologists examine religious trends over time, how various religions affect social interactions both within the religion and outside of it, and relations within religious institutions. The Internet. Sociology of the Internet includes the analysis of online communities (newsgroups, social networking sites, etc. ) and virtual worlds. Sociologists are interested in the social implications of the Internet and how virtual communities and worlds are transforming real communities and societies across the globe.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Do People Fall in Love

A question many of us find us asking ourselves in today’s society. Many of us have been hurt by love and therefore have refused to neither use nor believe that there is such a word or feeling that exists in the universe. People fall in love for many reasons; some don’t even know why they end up in love. I believe people fall in love for three life-based reasons, to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness in other words self-expansion, lack of self-dependency, Last but certainly not least they have something good to offer and they want something good in return.I myself have been thru all these stages of â€Å"Love† as we all call it and have come to a conclusion thru my own two eyes and hands on or should I say feelings on experience. The first reason people fall in love is to expand themselves thru other people also known as self-expansion. In his book â€Å"Self-expansion: a NEW! Integrated paradigm for psychology† author Miklo s Fodor describes very clearly how people expand themselves with one another. He created a model called Fodormiks Integrated Paradigm for Psychology (FIPP).The model describes many forms of human behavior from sex, religion, problem solving and even intimate relations. Upon reading the first couple of pages of the book I learned that the amount of money where you live and yourself can all affect who you fall in love with. If you’re wealthy you are a target of love to someone who wants to expand their business or find funding for something which the person couldn’t afford on their own. An example of self-expansion is in family’s that are wealthy and both husband and wife own businesses or assets that are in good use with each other.The husbands company makes the leather for her fancy purses. Many people believe that this kind of love is wrong but it’s a form of love in which both parties are happy and successful. Another example of self-expansion is someon e who feels they can accomplish more and succeed in life with some besides them. The feeling of being complete motivates the person to pursue a life of fulfillment. Take for instance Romeo and Juliet two lovers who fate was decided by the feelings expressed to each other in self-expansion. The second problem causing reason people fall in love is lack of self-dependency.Many of us witness an individual in a relationship where they are not happy everyone advises them to leave and for some odd reason they claim they are in love. This type of love is brought on by growing up in a harsh unloving family, and they are glued to this person because when they were in distress that person put them at ease to the individual losing someone like that is something they just won’t do. Another reason this love is bought is the person is he/she gets whatever they want while they are with this person for some it could be a meal and the bills paid to others it could be a lavish life-style.A grea t quote that illustrates well what this person might be feeling is â€Å"I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of† written by Michel De Montaigne. The person knows the love is wrong but refuses to leave because simply they are afraid of not finding a better love. This quote also points out that the person is lost inside they don’t know what exactly they are here for in life or what exactly it is they are searching for in a relationship.Lack of self-dependency to my opinion is a horrible reason to be in love but many people in the world depend on this love to get them thru, sad to say this is the type of world we live in. The final reason I believe people fall in love is because they have something good to offer and they want something back in return. Now I believe in this love 100% but some say it’s wrong. In today’s society the relationships that work out are relationships in which both parties are offering something to each othe r.An example of this type of love maybe the wife is a great cook and the husband loves to eat, while in return the husband works on the car clean or does anything to which he believes he can pay the wife for here great cooking. Another way this type of love is manifested in the form of making the significant other feels special. In this type of relationship the trade-offs could range from a number of things, happiness for wealth or wealth for happiness, it could also be a sexual trade off. No matter what in this type of relationship if the person isn’t receiving something in return there is no possible way the relationship is going to work.Some people feel if they love someone more than they love themselves that person to is going to do the same for them, but as we all can see it doesn’t always turn out that way. Some people offer there time, money and efforts to attain the feeling of being loved and end up hurt in the end. I believe all love is false but is used as a way to cope with living with some of life’s hardest decision and it’s always good to have someone by your side thru these times but understanding love can help you attain and reach that level of love and happiness in life.In closing words to the feelings we find ourselves calling love, people fall in love for three life-based purposes to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness in other words self-expansion, lack of self-dependency, Last but certainly not least they have something good to offer and they want something good in return. People expand themselves every day in every relationship decision we make or think of making weather done conscious or unconscious the mind has a life of its own and who you fall in love with is determined by many objects and situations surrounding you.Also people fall in love due to what I call lack of self-dependency. It’s a good thing to be in love but make sure it’s a love where both people are benefitting and are happy. Don’t let life’s bad mishaps determine who you fall in love with and the reasons you fall in love. And finally the ultimate reason to fall in love is having something good and offering it to some in returns for a better or equal something. In this love the amount of love you choose to give is the amount of love you get back, you don’t have to ever worry about this love when you encounter it, just embrace close your eyes and never let go.This is the love of feeling of matter of each other’s happiness this is the love I believe that we all should share with each other it would just make things better in the world that we live in.SOURCES http://www. quotegarden. com/self-discovery. html http://www. yoshke. com/2010/02/top-10-reasons-to-fall-in-love/ â€Å"Self-expansion: a NEW! Integrated paradigm for psychology† By Milkos Fodor http://www. 2knowmyself. com/relationship_breakups/why_do_we_fall_in_love Why Do People Fall in Love Why Do People Fall In Love Many researchers actually consider falling in love to be a biologic event. And there are some researchers that can show brain changes using MRI tests to show that there are actual changes in our brain that we think of psychologically but biologically it really is a physiologic change. But when we want to understand what falling in love is — the best concept to understand is the concept called limerance. Limerance is that period in a relationship of great passion, when we're almost obsessed with our partner, when we can think of nothing else, when we put our lives on hold to spend time, to pull all-nighters.We daydream about them and when we put our partner on a pedestal. When, everything they say is smart, when we wonder why everybody in the world isn't in love with our partner. That's limerance. At a certain point in a relationship, limerance fades. It can only last about 2-3 years. At that point many would misperceive that as falling out of love, b ut in fact, it's really a change in the relationship. When the partnership changes from that passionate, exciting, romance, mystery, dangerous period, to one of a stable committed partnership, and by definition, you can't live up to that level of excitement.And at that point you start to see partner's flaws, and not everything they say is wonderful and they have some bad habits, and that requires the concept of recognizing that limerance fades, but being in love, and loving somebody does not. So, in order to really establish a good long-term relationship, we understand that falling out of love means just not putting our limits on wanting that passion all the time. is love natural in humans or are we thought to love by experience ? Non scientifically I think you love because you gave yourself to that person.You opened up about everything to them. You trust them, you get along with them, you can’t imagine not living without them there by you. You love because of the bond you cr eated with this person. We've all experienced love. We've loved (and been loved by) parents, brothers, sisters, friends, even pets. But romantic love is different. It's an intense, new feeling unlike any of these other ways of loving. Loving and being loved adds richness to our lives. When people feel close to others they are happier and even healthier. Love helps us feel important, understood, and secure.But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel. The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love. Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings, they're still there. It's a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to others.These new feelings can be exciting — or even confusing at first. The Magical Ingredients of Love Relationships Love is such a powerful human emotion that experts are constantly studying it. They've discovered that love has three main qualities: 1. Attraction is the â€Å"chemistry† part of love. It's all about the physical — even sexual — interest that two people have in each other. Attraction is responsible for the desire we feel to kiss and hold the object of our affection. Attraction is also what's behind the flushed, nervous-but-excited way we feel when that person is near. 2.Closeness is the bond that develops when we share thoughts and feelings that we don't share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel supported, cared for, understood, and accepted for who you are. Trust is a big part of this. 3. Commitment is the promise or decision to stick by the other person through the ups and downs of the relationshi p. These three qualities of love can be combined in different ways to make different kinds of relationships. For example, closeness without attraction is the kind of love we feel for best friends.We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, and they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them. Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation. You're attracted to someone physically but don't know the person well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings. Romantic love is when attraction and closeness are combined. Lots of relationships grow out of an initial attraction (a crush or â€Å"love at first sight†) and develop into closeness.It's also possible for a friendship to move from closeness into attraction as two people realize their relationship is more than â€Å"just like† and they have become interested in one another in a romantic way. For people falling in love fo r the first time, it can be hard to tell the difference between the intense, new feelings of physical attraction and the deeper closeness that goes with being in love. Lasting Love or Fun Fling? The third ingredient in a love relationship, commitment, is about wanting and deciding to stay together as a couple in the future — despite any changes and challenges that life brings.Sometimes couples who fall in love in high school develop committed relationships that last. Many relationships don't last, though. But it's not because teens aren't capable of deep loving. We typically have shorter relationships as teens because adolescence is a time when we instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things. It's all part of discovering who we are, what we value, and what we want out of life. Another reason we tend to have shorter relationships in our teens is because the things we want to get out of a romantic relationship change as we get a little older.In our teens — especially for guys — relationships are mainly about physical attraction. But by the time guys reach 20 or so, they rate a person's inner qualities as most important. Teen girls emphasize closeness as most important — although they don't mind if a potential love interest is cute too! In our teens, relationships are mostly about having fun. Dating can seem like a great way to have someone to go places with and do things with. Dating can also be a way to fit in. If our friends are all dating someone, we might put pressure on ourselves to find a boyfriend or girlfriend too.For some people dating is even a status thing. It can almost seem like another version of cliques: The pressure to go out with the â€Å"right† person in the â€Å"right† group can make dating a lot less fun than it should be — and not so much about love! In our late teens, though, relationships are less about going out to have fun and fitting in. Closeness, shari ng, and confiding become more important to both guys and girls. By the time they reach their twenties, most girls and guys value support, closeness, and communication, as well as passion.This is the time when people start thinking about finding someone they can commit to in the long run — a love that will last. What Makes a Good Relationship? When people first experience falling in love, it often starts as attraction. Sexual feelings can also be a part of this attraction. People at this stage might daydream about a crush or a new BF or GF. They may doodle the person's name or think of their special someone while a particular song is playing. It sure feels like love. But it's not love yet. It hasn't had time to grow into emotional closeness that's needed for love.Because feelings of attraction and sexual interest are new, and they're directed at a person we want a relationship with, it's not surprising we confuse attraction with love. It's all so intense, exciting, and hard to sort out. The crazy intensity of the passion and attraction phase fades a bit after a while. Like putting all our energy into winning a race, this kind of passion is exhilarating but far too extreme to keep going forever. If a relationship is destined to last, this is where closeness enters the picture. The early passionate intensity may fade, but a deep affectionate attachment takes its place.Some of the ways people grow close are: * Learning to give and receive. A healthy relationship is about both people, not how much one person can get from (or give to) the other. * Revealing feelings. A supportive, caring relationship allows people to reveal detail about themselves — their likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, proud moments, disappointments, fears, and weaknesses. * Listening and supporting. When two people care, they offer support when the other person is feeling vulnerable or afraid. They don't put down or insult their partner, even when they disagree.Giving, receiv ing, revealing, and supporting is a back-and-forth process: One person shares a detail, then the other person shares something, then the first person feels safe enough to share a little more. In this way, the relationship gradually builds into a place of openness, trust, and support where each partner knows that the other will be there when times are tough. Both feel liked and accepted for who they are. The passion and attraction the couple felt early on in the relationship  isn't lost. It's just different. In healthy, long-term relationships, couples often find that intense passion comes and goes at different times.But the closeness is always there. Sometimes, though, a couple loses the closeness. For adults, relationships can sometimes turn into what experts call â€Å"empty love. † This means that the closeness and attraction they once felt is gone, and they stay together only out of commitment. This is not usually a problem for teens, but there are other reasons why rel ationships end Why Do Relationships End? Love is delicate. It needs to be cared for and nurtured if it is to last through time. Just like friendships, relationships can fail if they are not given enough time and attention.This is one reason why some couples might not last — perhaps someone is so busy with school, extracurricular, and work that he or she has less time for a relationship. Or maybe a relationship ends when people graduate and go to separate colleges or take different career paths. For some teens, a couple may grow apart because the things that are important to them change as they mature. Or maybe each person wants different things out of the relationship. Sometimes both people realize the relationship has reached its end; sometimes one person feels this way when the other does not.Moving On Losing love can be painful for anyone. But if it's your first real love and the relationship ends before you want it to, feelings of loss can seem overwhelming. Like the feel ings of passion early in the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense — and devastating. There's a reason why they call it a broken heart. When a relationship ends, people really need support. Losing a first love isn't something we've been emotionally prepared to cope with. It can help to have close friends and family members to lean on.Unfortunately, lots of people — often adults — expect younger people to bounce back and â€Å"just get over it. † If your heart is broken, find someone you can talk to who really understands the pain you're going through. It seems hard to believe when you're brokenhearted that you can ever feel better. But gradually these feelings grow less intense. Eventually, people move on to other relationships and experiences. Relationships — whether they last 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, or a lifetime — are all opportunities to experience love on its many different levels. We learn both how to love and how to be loved in return.Romance provides us with a chance to discover our own selves as we share with someone new. We learn the things we love about ourselves, the things we'd like to change, and the qualities and values we look for in a partner. Loving relationships teach us self-respect as well as respect for others. Love is one of the most fulfilling things we can have in our lives. If romance hasn't found you yet, don't worry — there's plenty of time. And the right person is worth the wait This felling of love is a very â€Å"raw† effect of pheromones or sexual hormones that we pick up when around other people.Its root lies in the fact that Mother Nature wants us to procreate and suggests that when this â€Å"falling in love† sensation occurs then the individual these feelings are centered around would make a good partner to have offspring with in terms of a healthy offspring. It DOES NOT mean the same person will make a good life partner. Our society seems to place a great deal of significance on this sensation, and tend to co notate it with a mysterious and magical feeling that can only be the allusive concept of love.This is also why we live in a society with such a high divorce rate. Although it would be nice to think this magical and mysterious feeling extends for the rest of our lives and is an indicator that we found our soul mates – the reality is it is nothing more than chemical warfare with the biology of our bodies. What love it is, is a choice – plain and simple. Of course we hope that happy feelings and good times are a natural result of that choice, but this is not required for the choice of love to exist.People who define love based on how they feel are often times in for a bumpy ride with relationships, because when the body changes its biology, or someone else crosses their path with a new set of hormones/pheromones they react to they have the magical mysterious feeling all over again, but f or someone new. So my two cents would be to understand â€Å"falling in love† is a term that refers to a very raw biological process, one that is independent and should not affect our conscious decisions as to who is significant in

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Argumentative Synthesis

In Mr. Siemiesz’s chapter he explained about the National Security Consequences of U. S Oil Dependence and how it could be fixed and changed for the best interest of the country; Mr. Siemiesz outlined specific points or steps the country could take to make those changes he outlined in the chapter. â€Å"Those major energy suppliers from Russia to Iraq to Venezuela have been increasingly able and willing to use their resources to pressure their strategic and political objectives.That these country’s are consuming less oil less then all of the other countries especially the United States. The Fact is that the U. S. makes up to 4. 6% of the world’s population but uses 25% of the world’s oil. So the challenge of this is over the next several years the U. S. needs to slow down and stop consuming a lot of Oil and hopefully find new ways to find energy†. In Mr. Franco’s chapter â€Å"205 ways to save the Earth† explains several ways to save t he planet; the author of the chapter Thomas L. Friedman speaks in his article about the word â€Å"Green† and how that term is used, he continued in the article to say that people need to find ways to improve the environment and recommended that it is in the best interest of the world to preserve the world he goes into ways for example like citizens of the world should being recycling and to help beautify the planet.Mr. Franco’s chapter concludes that the countries of the world have to learn better ways to improve the environment for everyone. The basic proposition behind the science of climate change is so firmly rooted in the laws of physics that no reasonable person can dispute it. All other things being equal, adding carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere—by, for example, burning millions of tons of oil, coal and natural gas—will make it warm up. That, as the Nobel Prize–winning chemist Svante Arrhenius first explained in 1896, is because CO2 i s relatively transparent to visible light from the sun, which heats the planet during the day.But it is relatively opaque to infrared, which the earth tries to reradiate back into space at night. If the planet were a featureless, monochromatic billiard ball without mountains, oceans, vegetation and polar ice caps, a steadily rising concentration of CO2 would mean a steadily warming earth†. The earth’s temperature can go up and destroy the polar ice caps and kills a lot of fish and raise the water and flood states. Crops are going to dry out so we can’t eat anything.People are taking advantage of it and destroying our planet. â€Å"The Greenhouse Effect is also comparing to global warming that it is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface, energy is transferred to the surface and the lower atmosphereâ € . As a result, the temperature there is higher than it would be if direct heating by solar radiation were the only warming mechanism.Global warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere is believed to be the result of a strengthening of the greenhouse effect mostly due to human-produced increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface, energy is transferred to the surface and the lower atmosphere. In Mr. Anderson’s chapter explains to the reader how Oil is critical to the U. S. Economy and how their aren’t any viable alternatives that the author believes will set the United States on the path to energy independence; The Author Price continued to say that â€Å"politicians and environmentalist misled Americans about the realities of energy which lead to legislation that hurt s America in the global marketplace† Price believes that they truly don’t understand what is going on when it comes to the environment and he continued saying that is why the United States is so dependable on foreign oil.Mr. Anderson’s chapter concludes with the following â€Å"price admits American imports of crude are high but sees no feasible alternative. The demand for energy in America is simply great and oil is simply to important for the economy†.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Newly engaged couple hears that you are taking a course in Research Paper

Newly engaged couple hears that you are taking a course in interpersonal communication, and wants advice for their relationship - Research Paper Example (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). 1. The principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications The level of communication in any particular situation determines what kind of social behavior will take place between the concerned individuals. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). For example, with a couple like yours who are newly engaged and experiencing problems with interpersonal communication have to concentrate extremely hard on improving the communication between the two of you if the said relationship is to be sustained and nurtured over time. In couple’s relationships, communication sort of becomes the glue that holds the two people together. The more open and honest the communication level is between the two of you, the closer you will be and the less open and more strained the communication level is between the two of you the farther apart you will be and the more chances there will be of this relationship falling apart. Research on the matter has determined that commu nication does mediate behavior, but it is still hazy on how exactly it accomplishes this. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). This could be because the topics under question are very intangible and cannot be quantified and tested easily and also because they vary with situation. Since every situation is case specific, we cannot generalize completely how exactly communication will affect interpersonal relations. For example, imagine a scenario where you guys have a fight. Both of you are angry, but your reactions as a result of this anger may be completely different. Sara, you may prefer to fume quietly and be more passive aggressive and Tim, you might be more vocal in your anger. Another couple in the midst of an angry fight might have completely different reactions. When communicating with one another you also have to be careful to catch, identify and correctly respond to any signs and symbols used during the communication by your partner. Knowledge and understanding of signs comes from kno wledge of the world. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). For example, tears are a sign of sadness and smiling is a sign of happiness. However these are simplistic examples and in reality in your relationship you two will be faced with more complex signs to interpret. You both will have to watch out for facial expressions, body language and posture etc of the other as signs of what they are feeling. These signs may be specific to each one of you, but being around each other will provide you knowledge about them and help you interpret them better. Symbolic behavior includes the use of language; for example, Sara, if Tim says ‘I am upset’ it is a symbol of how he is feeling and this symbol helps him express his inner feelings to you. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). One more thing to note is that the production of signs is inherent, while the production of symbols is learned. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). Further, the two of you must realize that not only the spoken word counts as communica tion. All behavior counts as communication because even the smallest facial expressions and mood swings have the tendency to emotionally affect the other person. (Krauss and Fussell, n.d). Both of you should be aware of your own and each other’s behavior and how it affects you emotionally. Often talking about these indications will clear matters out and avoid them from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Illegal Immigration - For illegal immigration for America Research Paper

Illegal Immigration - For illegal immigration for America - Research Paper Example It also includes the existing laws being implemented to combat this long-term issue that has conquered America by storm. It will also document the reasons as to why the US immigration policies failed as evidenced by the increasing number of illegal immigrants from all over the world. The role of government is given an emphasis to come- up with domestic policies to ensure that security and anti-terrorism concerns of the country are dealt with by law. Lastly, it will also provide the worldwide effect of immigration in the US and the participation of the other nations on how to prevent their citizens from entering the US without legal documentation. Keywords: illegal immigration, immigration laws, amnesty, legalization, illegal immigrants. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN AMERICA Since time immemorial America has been considered the land of â€Å"milk and honey† for millions of people from all across the world. Most of the citizens from poor countries aim to reach America as their end dest ination thinking that this is the place where there is more than enough for everything. It has been perceived as the land of abundance, wealth and endless opportunities. The ultimate goal of the illegal immigrants is to enter US and land a job which will earn them a substantial income to support their families in their country of origin. However, at present time, we all know that America has been experiencing economic recession and even its countrymen were not spared of this crisis, as many became unemployed, homeless and suffered financial distress. Dubbed as the â€Å"nation of nations†, Lemay (2009, p. xv) has reported that the United States has absorbed immigrants from 170 countries across the globe. It has been the home of almost 70 million legal immigrants and experienced the influx of an estimated 11 million of illegal immigrants. The unauthorized flow of illegal immigrants entering the America is caused by inefficiencies of the immigration system of the US government to enact stricter laws and policies to address the current problems. History Ngai (2007, p.2) has reported that as early as 1920’s, the unauthorized entry has become the most common form of illegal immigration which has been condemned by both the state and the society. These unauthorized immigrants may either be welcome or unwelcomed by the US. They became in demand by the economic sector as their labor is cheap and replaceable. In the middle decades of the 20th century, they were only billeted in the western and southwestern agriculture. But at present, illegal immigrants have evolved and can be found in almost every region in the United States. Based on the records, the United States documented the number of immigrants who earned the status of authorized immigrants. â€Å"An approximate of 70 million of them forms part of the legal immigrants, but as history would tell us, the flow of unauthorized entrants likewise increased. According to LeMay (2007 p.1), the heavy traffi c of these illegal immigrants commenced after 1970, and the massive volume was recorded at present time. Today, there is an estimate of 10.5 to 11 million illegal immigrants living in the US. The Evolution of US Immigration Laws In the study made by Kenney (2009, pp. 21-23), she highlighted the significant immigration laws: The Immigration and International Act of 1965 was the law which set the limit on the immigrants coming from the Western Hemisphere, including Mexico. It set a limit of 20,000

Award criteria and nomination report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Award criteria and nomination report - Essay Example Financial reporting and financial statements play an important role in projecting the position of a company in the market. Share holders and all the related groups find financial reporting as an important tool, which help them in making decisions regarding business. Financial reporting covers a wide range of Information as compared to the financial statements only. In broader perspective financial statements are the part of financial reporting but financial reporting is much more than financial statement. With the changing global business environment the reporting needs of the business has also transformed. The information required in to be reported is much more than the cash activities. Now days the requirement of information disclosure from both internal and external sides has been increased. The advancement and the volatile nature of business are replacing the old methodologies. The users of the information are become much more aware. This has given rise to the accountability. The Companies are required to disclose information related to more aspects than in past. Transparency of the information has also become a necessity. The Financial information disclosed by a company to its stakeholders are required to posses some important characteristics so that it can serve the purpose of the users in successful manner. A brief discussion of these qualities is given as under.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Poverty in the Global economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Poverty in the Global economy - Essay Example The government should try harder to redistribute income so that the have-nots can make use of their share as it is their democratic right. By redistributing income, the government’s popularity will increase. High levels of inequality are not alright. Inequality cannot be solved by taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor. However, it can be solved by empowering the poor. By empowering them, they are given power to do something which shall lead to productivity. Persons who work hard can also be identified by the leaders in the society and rewarded. This will create productive competition among the people. In such a scenario, the society should also strive towards equality in income (Snarr and Snarr 9). When it comes to poverty, globalization has been a negative force in the world. The reason for this is that it has allowed bigger businesses and wealthier nations to drive forward their aims at the expense of less endowed nations and small businesses. This has been through progress in technology which small businesses and developing countries cannot manage to pay for. Also, many of the jobs created by globalization are not well paid and companies have been outsourcing cheaper labor from other countries (Snarr and Snarr

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reasons for choosing Christie's Education, your Personal Statement

Reasons for choosing Christie's Education, your qualification,goals,and practical experience in the arts or auction world - Personal Statement Example This includes but is not limited to visiting museums, galleries, auction houses and out of the way venues that local patrons guide me to. I view art is the source of beauty in my own life. Art for me is not a mere vision. It is not a gratuitous answer to an invitation. Rather, it is a feeling or a reaction. It is personal and can only be shared with those that have the same keen understanding of it that I do. It is the ability to embrace someone else’s interpretation and yet know that you feel at peace only with your own. It comes in so many different forms. For example, I enjoy all types of dance, from the traditional, to folk to ritualistic expression. What elevates my ability to view and interpret art is that I do not need to find the artistic expression in whatever it is I am viewing, it shows itself to me. It is like a beacon in the night guiding me and I am compelled to respond. Indeed, I find myself employing art as a my special form of communication. Art plays a large role in the expresion of my inner thoughts and in acknowledging the beauty in my life. From dance to music to abstract art our concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. Art has always allowed me to be as specific or as abstract as I wish. I also employ art as my own form of communication. I may not be able to express to a loved one verbally how I feel at the moment, but I do so through expressions of art. I don’t know why this is so, all I know is that art is my comfort zone. Art has taught me how to communicate through creative expression. It has taught me how to undestand human experience including the past and present. As for my own personal interests, music, opera singing, dancing, poetry and sketching are just a few of the different forms of art that I personally employ to express myself and apply my

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Model building Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Model building - Term Paper Example The purpose of this model is to assess the claim and handle the situation appropriately. It involves investigation procedures to unearth the truth so as to make decisive and conclusive actions. The media and citizens’ claims have to be investigated to assess where they registered complaint and whoever was responsible. This calls for an investigation team to assist in the process. The model tries to give answers why the complaints are not heard. The model Purpose The purpose of the model is to study why residents’ complaints have not been heard. In order to get proper answers independent investigation must be done. Complaint handling procedures are specific to organizations, and each organization policies are unique. Public policy for complaint launching and handling is always very clear. The study would put into account how these complaints were registered. As a line area manager, assessment to ensure that the staff gives appropriate concerns in helping complaint handling, investigates and resolves complaints. Constraints Investigation consumes time and it is often costly. On this basis, the model structure must mirror cost effective one and involve a proper time frame within which the purpose of the study is achieved. Policy is clear on how the complaints should be registered for accountability. This leads to assessment on how the complaint was registered (Adorno, 2000).... Independently, this team ensures to retrieve the logs of complaints for the particular period claim is made. This would involve accessing systems without the aid of responsible staff to handle complaints. This is to make sure the investigation is reliable and accurate. The investigation process is to be done within two weeks. The findings are to be evaluated and recommendation given to various departments to facilitate proper actions. Complaint material published by an organization should include a statement of guarantee that a plaintiff will not be victimized or suffer from negative handling because they have made a complaint. In a public sector, the community should not be isolated because of the complaints they raised due to poor service delivered by public sector. Policy The complaint policy approach has to be reassessed to ensure that proper accountability is in place. The time frame stipulated to handle compliant and priority appended to complaints in regards to sensitivity. Co mplaint value assessment is essential, and during the investigation it must be considered so as to verify if complaints are treated according to policy stipulation. It is essential to understand the existing policies so as to gauge the complaint problem. The resident may be claiming that the complaints are not being handled yet policy implementation is in progress. Integration of complaint handling must be properly instituted into policy document. This is a sure way of enhancing accountability within organizations (Reif, & International Ombudsman Institute, 2004). Commitment and responsibility The model helps in analyzing the commitment of staff to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Innovation, knowledge and learning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Innovation, knowledge and learning - Assignment Example Same is the case with students all around the world. They spend quite a while over the Internet and thus explore the intricate details that they have conducted over Facebook (Wilks and Pearce, 2011). This paper specifically takes a look at how Facebook forms a vital link between the teachers and their students through the knowledge management domains, and the role of this social networking tool within the norms and routines of the teenagers who will grow up to experience a totally unique and different life from what their forefathers saw. Facebook is a social platform where these students meet, discuss and share ideas, videos and do their postings. For the knowledge management stakeholders, e.g. teachers, it gives them a platform to understand how their students think of the world around them, what they are doing in their normal, day to day lives, and how they think and act in the wake of changing circumstances. It is a fact that Facebook has become an everyday routine, so much so th at it will shape up the coming times in a number of positive ways (McMellon, 2011). The negativities include the fact that people now interact with one another physically less and meet more often on the Internet, through Facebook (Shepherd, 2011). However for the sake of this discussion, the basis of Facebook being a help for the teachers around the world would be made note of (Desenberg, 2000). This will ask for the teachers to remain vigilant and alert as per their actions and thus showcase their truest selves through persistence and devotion (Weston, 2011). Facebook is a social learning tool as it gives out so much information that one can take hours at stretch to fathom. Same is the case for the teachers who are on the look-out for new trends and fads that have come up within the ranks of the students as well as within their own lives (Helvie-Mason, 2011). Concerning specifically within the limits of knowledge management and innovation, Facebook helps the teachers in the classro om as they already know what their students have been up to in the recent times. They can feel pride in knowing beforehand which students are enjoying their life to the maximum and which students have been visiting leisure places of late. All these pointers give them an idea that their students have busy lives just like their own (Greenfield, 2008). Similarly, the ones who are unwell and unable to attend school can also be found out through their status updates, pictures that are posted or shared across their walls, and so on and so forth (Han, 2001). Basically the teachers are finding reasons why their students are proactively driven, and what makes them feel different in the differing times within the classrooms and indeed in the school (Pike, Butler and Bateman, 2011). Facebook is suggestive because it tells the viewers what the profiles are telling them. It asks of the teachers to remain glued to their Home screen and find out who is doing what and which student is coming up wit h the best ideas within his field of life, and so on (Sams and Elliman, 2011). In essence, Facebook helps create that vital bridge between the students and the teachers which are required in this day and age (Halverson, 2011). Even at times, students can message their teachers and find out about certain things which are not related with their academic lives. This has a very interactive feel about the whole affair that comes about due to the presence of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Factors on the Four Functions of Management Essay Example for Free

Factors on the Four Functions of Management Essay In regards to internal and external factors that can significantly influence the four functions of management, include such items as globalization, technology, diversity, ethics and innovation. Furthermore, all of these items pay an important role in the dominance of General Motors in the automotive industry. GM has changed manufacture attitudes to concentrate on some strategic priorities those being to become common, envision lean and compete fast, participate on a worldwide footing, cultivate the business and as a rule significantly keep their attention on the finished goods. General Motors is determined to be committed to a lean and familiar single, global manufacturing approach (Automotive Intelligence News, 2003). The external factor of globalization is a major factor in today’s business world. Globalization additionally adds to the factors of cultural diversity and cultural ethics as it pertains to business climate, culture and organization. Likewise, even in the US General Motors deals with the issues of diversity and values based of the many cultures that live within the country. Diversity can be both a help and a hindrance to the four function of management, in that when cultural diversity is utilized correctly it aids in all phases of business. However, if both the countries or the individual workers feel that their culture or beliefs are being looked down upon or are demeaned this can lead to serious repercussion. The same ca be said concerning the ethics each culture holds management must walk a fine line to ensure no vilification or no indignity occurs. Globalization needs a firm touch and a steady hand in the first planning, which entails what countries a company wants to build and sell their goods to, while maintaining a presence in that country. What value the product will bring, the cost of materials, taxes or tariffs, and if the people of those countries have a  need, the cost, and the desire to purchase their vehicles. As to organizing, in globalization GM must ensure that local customs will not be pushed aside and must they maintain a proper level of respect and decorum in dealing with the local population and their cultural identity. Manager must organize by creating a dialog with other countries on GM’s products, explaining the utilization of each countries environmental assets and capital, showing how that being a partnering country with GM will help their country and its people. They must correspondingly incorporate the concept of co-design and systems approach, during the organization function to ensure each country has the belief that they are truly partners with GM. General Motors is currently in the process of restructuring their Global Vehicle Engineering organization. The reason they are doing this is to enhance cross-system integration and to bring more coherent implementation across vehicle platforms. They are also further addressing the functional safety and compliance in its vehicles worldwide (GM News, 2014). Whereas this reorganization moves GM away from long-established regional authority toward an organization built on global functions. As to the role of leading, globalization brings with it a different set of problems and requirements. In General Motors situation the leading function of management, in the terms of what the role intention is remains the same and can be defined as the focus of guiding the activities of personnel with motivation. However, the challenges of doing so on a global scale are daunting because of issues in cultural difference, in ethics and diversity. Managers must have a working knowledge of the country’s culture, its ethical stances, and language differences both verbal and nonverbal. The controlling function of management within globalization again comes with its own set of issues that need to be overcome. Likewise, to be able to establish standards, then measure the performance in contrast to those standards and make corrective changes to those standards and plans that have been determined ineffective (Merchant, 1982). In a global setting put additional meaning to the controlling function of management. Management for General Motors have been successful in the endeavor and proof of this can be seen in how they continue to rank near or at the top the list of vehicles sold worldwide. GM is closing the gap on Toyota lead in sales, because of changes in how they are using the control function of management to correct the situation.  Since, GM began to renovate its vehicle roster into one of the keenest and newest in the automotive industry from one of the eldest and more outdated ones (Jie, Horie, 2014). So any and everyone can see how globalization as an external factor affects a company such as General Motors in its operations of the four functions of management. Technology in this c ase should be considered both and external and internal factor that can affect a company such as GM. Since, technology deals with not only information and enterprise systems to run a business, it also deals with the creation of new products and equipment to be use in their cars and trucks. General Motors in being such a large global company have an extensive enterprise system to deal with employees, customers, security, and data collection to enable it to run both effectively and efficiently on a global scale. However, technology in the creation and advancement of products goes hand in hand with innovation. We can see how technology is part of innovation, in the way GM addresses the idea of a fully electric car that can go 200 miles between charges. Additionally, the connection of technology and innovation is seen in General Motors electric and gas hybrid car the Chevy Volt. GM similarly has an all-electric car that can go 82 miles on a charge called the Chevy Spark (The Denver Post, 2013). General Motor’s innovations created a need for better technology in electric car batteries, charging systems. They also created a need for electric charging facilities for people who are traveling on long trips, which are still under research as to cost, viability, and the possibility. All of this innovation leads to technology to design and build components that will be needed to compete in this sector of the industry. What is more, all four functions of management are thoroughly affected by globalization, diversity, ethics, innovation and technology as these elements play a crucial role in the structure and running of any business in today world economy. References Automotive Intelligence News. (2003). GMs Global Manufacturing System A System To Build Great Cars and Trucks. Retrieved from GM News. (2014). GM Restructures Global Engineering for Cross-System Integration. Retrieved from Jie, M. Horie, M. (2014). Toyota Beats GM in 2013 as 10 Million Vehicles Seen. Retrieved from Merchant, K. (1982). Controlling Function of Management. Retrieved from The Denver Post. (2013). General Motors working on 200-mile electric car, exec says. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Life Plan After College Essay Example for Free

The Life Plan After College Essay The Life Plan will help you to achieve your short-term, mid-term, and long-term life goals. It allows you to visualize your future. Its focus is on three major life areas, academic, career, and personal. Individuals who have a clear vision of their future have a greater likelihood of realizing their dreams and goals than those who treat life as a stream of random unrelated events. A secondary outcome of this assignment is that it will allow you to demonstrate your written communication skills. Instructions: Respond to the following questions by answering in complete paragraphs. Be specific and detailed in your responses. Use examples to illustrate your points. Make sure that your responses are grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling. Proof your work and have others proof your work. Use the College writing lab if you need additional assistance with grammar, structure, or punctuation. Produce a document with no errors. Questions: 1. Now that you have entered college, what are the immediate short-term goals you expect to achieve this semester and the following two semesters? Address the goals that are relevant to you in the academic, personal, and career realm. What does it mean to you to achieve these goals? Why do want to major in __________? What opportunities will your completing this academic degree will be available to you? Who can help you make your career and or academic decisions? 2. Visualize yourself, as you grow older. What do you see your accomplishments to be ten years from now, twenty, and thirty? What advocational goals do you have? These could include hobbies, artistic, musical or other creative pursuits. What do you hope to be doing following your retirement? Where will you live and work? Do you see yourself contributing to others in your community as you achieve the goals you have set? If so, how? Will you volunteer in some way in your community? What things will be necessary to allow you to live your long-term vision of this future? Again, address the areas of academic, personal, and career, as you respond to this question. 3. Identify and write about your mid-term goals in the areas of academic, personal and career. These are things you hope to complete during the next two to five years. These might include transfer to another higher education institution, relocating, finding a job more closely related to your career interest area, starting a family etc.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Impact Of A Korean Wave

The Impact Of A Korean Wave Today, a concept is becoming increasingly popular in the world scientific community, according to which all the people are the citizens of one global society that consists of a number of local societies of individual countries. This concept simplifies the consideration of the globalization processes, which in this case turn into the usual social transformations in the global society. The main consequence of globalization is the international division of labor, migration (and, as a rule, concentration) of capital of human and industrial resources throughout the world, standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as convergence and fusion of cultures of different countries. As a result of globalization, the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects (Soleymani 2010, pp. 104-110; Keohane 2002). It causes an increase of both the number of common problems for groups of countries, and the number and types of integrating subjects. According to Szeman (2003, p.94) Globalization is the moment of mass, migration, muticulturalism, and cosmopolitanism. Globalization is closely linked with the process of centralization of control subjects. In politics, globalization means weakening of national states, it changes and reduces their sovereignty. On the one hand, it happens because modern states delegate increasingly more authorities to influential international organizations such as UNO, WTO, EU, NATO, IMF, and World Bank. On the other hand, due to reduction of government intervention in the economy and tax cuts the political power of enterprises increases (especially of large transnational corporations) (Hays 2009, pp. 17-24; Keohane 2002). Easier migration of people and the free movement of capital abroad also decrease the power of states over their citizens. The interdependence of the economies of different countries increased immeasurably in comparison with the integration (Keohane 2002, p.15). The increasing globalization of the economy reflects in the sharp increase of scales and rates of capital movement, in the faster growth of international trade if compared with GDP growth, in the emergence of 24-hour working global financial markets. The information systems created over the past decades raised the movement ability of financial capital, which contains, at least potentially, the ability to destroy sustainable economic systems (Castells 2000). Globalization of the economy is a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, it facilitates economic interaction between states, creates the conditions for countries to access the advanced achievements of mankind, saves resources, and promotes global progress. On the other hand, globalization has negative consequences: setting a peripheral model of the economy, loss of resources for countries outside the golden billion, ruin of small businesses, spreading of global competition to the weak countries, declining living standards, etc. (Hays 2009, pp. 17-24; Giddens 2000). In general, the costs and benefits of globalization are extremely unevenly distributed among the participants. Increase of productivity, reduction of costs, growth of income and wealth at one pole is achieved at the cost of increasing uncertainty, risk, inequality, and poverty on the other. Individual countries cannot afford to separate from the world market system without paying a high price. At the same time, globalization inevitably strengthens the role of national governments in the domestic economics and in interaction with the outside world. This makes it possible to reduce vulnerability and minimize the social costs associated with globalization, to reach agreement with international capital in terms of achieving a more equitable distribution of gains from trade, foreign investment and other transactions. Cultural globalization is characterized by convergence of business and consumer culture among different countries and the growth of international communication. On the one hand, this leads to the popularization of certain types of national culture around the world (Regev 2007, pp. 125-28). On the other hand, the popular international cultural phenomena may displace national ones or make them international. Many perceive this as a loss of national cultural values and fight for the revival of national culture (Langman 2003, pp. 223-30; Ossewaarde 2007, pp. 170-79). Modern movies are released simultaneously in many countries around the world; books are translated and became popular among readers from different countries. Enormous role in cultural globalization is played by the ubiquitous Internet (Castells 2000). In addition, international tourism is becoming increasingly widespread. In 19 out of 25 countries, most respondents reported the expecting benefits from the expansion of globalization. The highest support was recorded in the Netherlands, where 87% of respondents expressed pro-globalist views, followed by Venezuela (82%), India (79%) and Qatar (78%). In Argentina and Turkey, which are experiencing serious financial troubles, the respondents showed the most negative attitudes towards globalization. According to WEF, from a total of 25 000 respondents, six out of ten believed globalization to be positive, while one in five considered it negative (Soleymani 2010, pp. 109-113). Globalization is often equated with Americanization due to the increase of US influence in the world in the 20th century. Hollywood produces most of the movies for worldwide distribution. The USA is the home of global corporations: Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Coca-Cola, Procter Gamble, Pepsi and many others. McDonalds because of its prevalence in the world has become a symbol of globalization (Szeman 2003, p.101-5). Comparing prices for BigMac in different countries, The Economist examines the purchasing power of different currencies (Big Mac Index). Other countries also contribute to globalization. For example, one of the symbols of globalization IKEA appeared in Sweden; the popular instant messaging service ICQ was first released in Israel, and the well-known software for IP-telephony Skype was developed by Estonian programmers (Regev 2007, pp. 129-33). One of the results of globalization is the Korean wave a phenomenon penetration of the Korean mass pop culture into other countries, primarily of South-East Asia. The first country swept by this wave was China. The term Korean Wave is widely known as Hallyu introduced in China in mid-1999 by the Beijing journalists describing the fast popularization of South Korean pop-culture and goods in China (Jeongmee 2007, pp. 47-48). It all began with a huge success of TV show What is love, after which many more shows and songs were a huge success in the Chinese public (Kaori 2009, 341-43). Currently, the Korean wave has spread to more than 60 countries, mostly in South-East Asia: Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, etc. Gradually the Korean culture goes further and begins to gain popularity in the Middle East and even parts of Africa. Korean TV shows, such as Autumn in My Heart and Winter Sonata, Korean cuisine, taekwondo, and even the interior of apartments in the Korean style are gaining increasing popularity in these countries (Kaori 2009, 341-43). South Korea is in the top ten cultural exporters in the world. In the streets you can often see Korean cars, and many people use Korean cell phones. Many Korean actors are becoming popular outside Korea; some of them (e.g., Pi) even appear on the screens of Hollywood. Korean Culture and information Service (KOCIS) under the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Korea holds festivals of Korean culture in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in order to improve the image of Korea by promoting its traditional culture. With its rich natural resources and high growth potential, the Central Asian region is becoming increasingly important in the international arena (Lee, Hobday 2003, pp. 503-5). This region also has close ties with Korea, because 320 000 Korean immigrants live there. Central Asia is an important region for the spreading of the Korean wave. It is believed that the Silk Road, passing through the Asian continent, plays an important role in spreading popular East Asian cultural trends to Europe (Lee, Hobday 2003, pp. 503-5; Jeongmee 2007, pp. 49-53). According to KOCIS, the Central Asian region would be a great place to connect the Korean culture with the cultures of the Middle East (Ghani Anand 2009, pp.24-27). New research confirms that the popularity of Korean cinema and music in other Asian countries has a positive effect on the image of the country in general and opens the way for cooperation not only in culture but also in many other areas, particularly in the economic sector (Jeongmee 2007, pp. 49-52). The report of the Korean-Thai center of communications states that since 2002 the three largest TV channels in Thailand have broadcasted over 180 Korean TV shows. And 118 of them were shown in the period from 2006 to 2009. Asked about the image of the Republic of Korea, 97% of the interviewed citizens of Thailand noted that in recent years it improved greatly, and 62.2% believed that the positive impact was made by the TV shows in the first place. Another 20% suggested that it became possible due to the promotion of Korean quality products on the market. The number of tourists from Thailand arriving in the Republic of Korea increased from 73,900 people in 2002 to 190,000 in 2009. During the first half of 2010 more than 120.000 Thais visited Korea (Sang-Yeon 2010, pp. 25-45). The 2010 work plan of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Korea provides further efforts aimed at reviving the popularity of Korean culture in foreign countries. In particular, it was decided to establish by 2013 at least 30 high-value contents, each bringing the $ 100 million revenue and competing in the global market with contents from other countries (Sang-Yeon 2010, pp. 25-45). By content we mean popular TV shows, movies, software and games. Until now, only three South Korean cultural contents brought such an income: the TV show Winter Sonata, a cartoon character Pororo and online game Lineage (Dator Seo 2004, p. 33). To perform this task, the government plans to provide financial support to relevant sectors of the economy and optimize the legal framework. Therefore, attracting interest to Korean culture in foreign countries is one of the main tasks of the Korean Government (Dator Seo 2004, p. 36-40). Cultural contents are the intangible values, but their producers can get virtually unlimited incomes. This can be possible in the case of a successful combination of technology with creativity. The Republic of Korea possesses advanced information technologies and unique cultural traditions, both attracting the attention of the world (Jeongmee 2007, pp.52-59). Consequently, the revival of Hallyu or Korean Wave is an achievable goal. The complex process of globalization, which has been gaining speed for thousands of years, is irreversible through many aspects. The global economy is integrated to the extent that the stakes are too high for everybody. The optimism of millions in Asia and in the fastest growing economies (Ireland, the former socialist bloc, Africa and Latin America), and the desire of ordinary citizens not to miss their chance in the conditions of open economy thats the reality of the globalized world (Ghani Anand 2009, pp.19-23). But the flip side of it is the disturbance of American and European middle class, grinding poverty and despair of those who stayed behind (Giddens 2000). The question is whether anxiety and fear will prevail over optimism or not, and whether they will turn the world back, for another dark period of isolation. Never before, since the formation of the Western alliance in 1949, the international balance of power has undergone such major changes. Among the issues that have appeared on the agenda in recent years are the emergence of new powers in Asia, the new balance of power in Eurasia, the Middle East problem and transatlantic moves, new challenges to the traditional forms of statehood and the general feeling of insecurity, including the threat of terrorism (Giddens 2000). The scale and speed of changes caused by globalization, regardless of the nature of these changes, will be a characteristic feature in the next 15 years. The appearance of China and India, as well as other countries such as Brazil and Indonesia, as the new actors on the world scene is possible. The basis of anticipated rapid growth of economic and political power of these countries lies in the combination of sustained strong economic growth, increasing military power and huge population. According to projections, by 2020 the GNP of China will exceed the GNP of the developed Western powers separately; excluding the U.S. Indias GDP will also surpass the GNP of European economies (Soleymani 2010). With the appearance of newcomers on the world stage, the picture of the world will radically change by 2020, which will in future contribute to the annihilation of the usual characteristics of East and West, North and South, affiliated and non-aligned, developed and developing countries. Traditional geographic groupings will no longer share old values in international relations. A world divided by states, and the world of mega-cities of telecommunications, trade and financial flows will exist in parallel. The fight for the allies will be more open, and the unions themselves will lose their traditional strength. We view globalization as the growing increase of interdependence in the flow of information, technology, capital, goods, services and people throughout the world, as an overarching mega-trend significant influencing the formation of the major trends in the world. However, the future of globalization is ambiguous, till states and independent players, including private companies and nongovernmental organizations, will fight for the right to define its contours. Thus, if the era of globalization doesnt end with the collapse as a result of a catastrophic war and global crisis, we can suppose that the world economy is likely to expect continued impressive growth by 80% in the next 10 years, while the average income per person will get approximately 50% higher (Soleymani 2010). Most countries around the world both developed and developing will benefit from the participation in global economic processes; and Asia, having the fastest-growing consumer markets, a growing number of companies that have become truly global players, and growing scientific and technological potential, will be capable of succeeding Western countries in the role of the region with the most dynamic economy (Dator Seo 2004, pp. 33-35; Ghani Anand 2009, pp.19-23). In the international context, states should advocate for the mitigation of the adverse effects of inequality, asymmetry in the interdependence. This calls for more fair and democratic rules of the game in international relations. The role of individual countries must be viewed from the perspective of the external opportunities and challenges arising from the emergence of new areas of relationships due to the globally integrated production, TNC, various types of capital movements, more close relationships in trade with goods and services, and cross-national information flows. In general, cooperation between countries and international organizations could be useful for solving a number of global issues, including management of globally integrated capital markets, trade information services, as well as the labor market, cultural heritage and tourism.

Hate Groups on the Internet Essay -- Ku Klux Klan KKK Neo Nazis skinhe

The Web of Hate Technology has provided our society with numerous innovations that have been created to improve the quality of life on a daily basis. One such innovation is the Internet. The access to a wide variety of information is perhaps the most valuable tool, as well as the most important tool, that we have entering the twenty-first century. There are virtually no limits on how much can be achieved through the use of the Internet. This is not, however, necessarily a good thing. Most people find that offensive material such as child pornography and hate-related propaganda can be viewed by people too easily via the Internet. While child pornography is a detestable subject, it does not have the sort of appeal that a hate group website does in that there are stricter guidelines preventing individuals from attaining child pornography material from the Internet. These stricter guidelines include the Communications Decency Act (1995), which forbids the use of the Internet for such purposes as attaining material of a child pornographic nature (Wolf, 2000). This law can also be used to monitor the hate group websites, but since the law is too broad, it is rarely held up in court. The hate group websites do, however, have a large enough following that there is legislation being formed to specifically target the material on the sites. Despite the highly offensive nature of hate group websites, the sites should not be censored because the right to free speech must be preserved. In this paper we will define what is considered to be hateful content; why this hateful content should be protected; what else can be done to monitor this material on the Internet; and when are the people cr... ...nt rights in order to completely abolish the views of a entire nation to stop the ignorant views of a much smaller portion of our great democratic nation. Works Cited 1. Control of the Internet at 2. Join, Free Speech, and the Internet at 3. Borland, John, Neo-Nazi Group Sued for Online Threats (10/20/98) at 4. Wolf, Christopher, Racists, Bigots, and Law on the Internet at 5. Creativity Online Church Sites for a New Era of Evolution. 18 Apr. 2000. World Church of the Creator. 20 at 6. Schleifer, Yigal. Cyber Hate, The Jerusalem Report May 24, 1999: 37+. 7. Schleifer, Yigal. Taming The Wild Web, The Jerusalem Report Jan. 31, 2000: 36.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet

If the Titanic did not bump into the iceberg, a tragedy could have been avoided. Why did Hitler get elected? Maybe then the holocaust could have been avoided. If a plane flight was cancelled on 9/11, we might have avoided the deaths of thousands. Why did Romeo meet Juliet in the first place? Could Tybalt and Mercutio’s deaths been avoided? Last but not least, why did Juliet wake up in time to see dying Romeo? What exactly ties all events together? Fate. In the beginning of the play it is told, â€Å"A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;† (Prologue.6) this sentence indicates that from the very beginning the fate of Romeo and Juliet is written in the stars. Their fate was to fall in love and die with a passion in order to end their family’s feud. Since their fate was bond in a silent promise it might be a reason for their meeting at the Capulet’s party. Romeo, who is broken-hearted, did not feel like joining Mercutio at all until seen Rosaline’s name upon the invitation list. The first meeting between Romeo and Juliet was a memorable one. The two lovers locked eyes and as if fate, fell head-over-heels in love with each other. Romeo forgot at once all about his once beloved Rosaline and Juliet abandoning her thoughts of marrying Paris. The lovers moved too fast and were too rash in their decision-making, but as fate would have it’s way and the two decided to marry right the next day. Right th e next morning Mercutio and Tybalt engage in a heated duel. When Romeo arrived on the scene he was still light-headed and giddy from just marrying Juliet and therefore causing him to be soft and loving towards Tybalt. As Mercutio and Tybalt fight a giddy Romeo runs to separate the fight and fate would yet again let Tybalt kill Mercutio as mainly an accident. Romeo been mad and angered due to the loss of his best friend jumps in and demands to fight Tybalt and slews Tybalt. The night before everything was fine but now Romeo is banished and Juliet is short of a cousin and a husband. Many of Romeo’s actions were rash and uncalled for but as a result to fate it all ties together to the beginning of Romeo and Juliet’s story. Halfway throughout the book fate unexpectedly twists the story to a darker note.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Same-sex Marriage Laws Violate Gay R

Laws Violate Gay Rights When I was in third grade, I learned that there are certain "inalienable rights"-- the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- all of which the United States government is committed to protecting for every human. Last week, I learned this government feels that these human rights are limited to some people, based on how they choose to practice sex. In two separate legislations last week, the United States Senate sanctioned discrimination against homosexual Americans. The issue recently surfaced in Hawaii when the state denied marriage privileges to a lesbian couple. In May 1993, the State Supreme Court ruled in a 3-1 decision that the state's exclusion of same-sex marriage was sexual discrimination and thus unconstitutional unless there was "compelling evidence" for it. In 1995, a governor's commission recommended the state grant marital rights to homosexuals. The "full faith and credit" clause of the U.S. Constitution says that states must accord reciprocity to laws (and contracts) of other states. Thus a couple could get married in Hawaii, move to another state and demand that the state recognize their marriage contract unless laws in the new state conflict directly with laws in the former state. This led the House to pass the Defense of Marriage Act (DoMA) this July with the Senate concurring on Sept. 10. Social Security, Veter-an's and other federal benefits such as married tax status will simply be denied to Americans who do not conform to a sexual pattern preferred by others in society. I don't know where in the Constitution Congress is permitted to legislate the morality that a man must marry a woman. Furthermore, DoMA permits states to... ... other may make some people uncomfortable. But their union does not infringe on anyone else's life, liberty or pursuit of happiness, and they have a claim to pursue their human rights and marry each other. What has Congress to gain by passing this restrictive law? It is only election-year politics to woo the radical right. The United States government is unfairly discriminating against a portion of the United States population and we should not stand for this public "gay bashing." Discrimination is still legal because the measure failed 50-49. Senator Pryor (D-Ark.) was attending his son's cancer surgery; otherwise, he would have supported the bill. Vice President Al Gore had promised to break the tie in support of the bill, but the motion failed. Now it is legally OK to not hire someone based on his or her sexual preference.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Corruption in Pakistan Essay

Abstract: Corruption is a very old problem in government, and concern about corruption has shaped the development of public services. For example, in many countries a Public Service Commission conducts exams or sets for the selection of suitable Candidates to be appointed to the Civil Service posts. In this way it prevents Political patronage, as well as promoting expertise. Many countries have established specialist anti corruption agencies relatively independent of the police or of the government. Since the mid 1990s, there has been new international attention to corruption. Transparency International (TI), an NGO founded in 1993, publishes an Influential Corruption Perceptions Index1, and has a number of national groups that lobby governments. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank now Promote anti-corruption in their lending. Economists have become influential in International thinking about corruption. Introduction: Corruption is a method and a technique adopted just to bypass the rule of law and engulfing the whole system into socio-economic turmoil. Furthermore, corruption, being the mother of all ills, gives birth to multifarious problems including nepotism, favoritism and negating meritocracy, transparency and accountability. It is an established fact that the cruelty shows its influence as the rule of law is abrogated. Banking scams, industrialist’s monopoly to create baseless crises, bypassing the constitutional supremacy, lavish living styles of the ruling class, foreign tours under the head of national exchequer, general apathy, neglect, carelessness and an attitude of indifference towards national issues are all the outcomes of corruption which is root cause of all evils in the motherland. The South Asian countries have been pluralist societies; however, the legacy of colonial rule was a fragmentation of loyalties through corruption and bribery. That is why corruption and nepotism continue to exist. Loyalties to a particular group; family; caste or ethnic, religious, or linguistic community invites corruption in the form of nepotism. Since independence, the nationalization of bank and industries in the 1970s, the use of foreign aid, and the infusion of drug money into the economy, corruption has become even more systemic. Lack of accountability is an outcome of nepotism and favoritism. How can a corrupt person be held accountable by a corrupt authority? All in all the entire unfortunate system is prone to the monster of corruption. In such dismal state of affairs, the question of accountability does not arise. Only lucrative and emotionally charged speeches and pledges can never come up to the expectations of the people. Rule of law is the only option that can pave way for accountability. Incompetent judiciary in terms of not bringing the culprits in to the gallows of law and absence of bringing the corrupt politicians and policy makers to the books is another decisive factor in today’s sorry state of affairs. In the same manner the unnecessary delay in deciding the cases of corruption is a clear explanation of the adage: the justice delayed is justice denied. In much the similar fashion, highly centralized economy, breeds conflict amongst the poor and the rich. The growing influence of the privileged class always uses the influential authority to snub the poor people. In such a grim situation, the victims and the upper both use their influence at their maximum extent to have maximum benefit from the opportunity. Thus the capitalism is in the forefront in bringing and paving ways for corruption. Corruption evolves as a result of evasion of ethical and religious norms. Religion always asks the believers to have a solid strive in bringing a moderate society. It agrees in favor of decentralized economy. Regulation of wealth according to rule of law is the motto of Islam. The discussion on corruption in Pakistan would never be complete without having a glance on National Reconciliation Ordinance, a symbol of corruption in Pakistan. It was promulgated by a military dictator to serve his own vested interests. It freed all the politicians and civil servants until 1990, who were convicted on charges of corruption. PPP and PML (N), the big political giants remained the beneficiaries of this ordinance. Under the provisions of NRO, the civil servants, politicians and major industrialists were given a safe passage to escape from all the charges of corruption and made them free of any sin. NRO, most appropriately can be termed as the law that legitimized corruption in Pakistan. The cost of corruption is high. Stolen resources from education budgets mean overcrowded classrooms and crumbling schools, or no schools at all. Books and supplies are sometimes sold instead of being given out freely. Schools and universities also ‘sell’ school places or charge unauthorized fees, forcing students (usually girls) to drop out. Teachers and lecturers are appointed through family connections, without qualifications. Grades can be bought, while teachers force students to pay for tuition outside of class. In higher education, undue government and private sector influence can skew research agendas. The end result is limited access to – and poor quality of – education, and a social acceptance of corruption through a corrupted education system. Theme: There is little doubt that corruption impedes economic development, lowers the ratio of private investment to GDP, and has a negative effect on the functioning of democratic institutions. Therefore, corruption poses a serious development challenge. In the political realm, pervasive corruption undermines democracy and good governance by undermining  formal democratic processes, including elections. More generally, corruption erodes the institutional capacity of government institutions as formal procedures are ignored, resources are diverted for private gain, and public offices are paid off through bribery or other means of enrichment. The good news is that there appears to be an inverse correlation between democracy and corruption; strong, robust democratic institutions result in less corruption across the system. The role of sound democratic institutions, including an independent judiciary and an independent media, along with active political participation, is crucial to the fight against corruption. SCOPE We need to call on our politicians and public officials to be accountable for their actions. How can we trust them if we don’t know what they’re doing? We must demand that they put in place regulations which will force them to act openly. Then corruption can’t hide. And our trust in the political process will improve. When leaders act transparently, showing us clearly what they do, we can make informed choices when we vote. And we can hold them to account once elected. From grassroots groups to big organizations, civil society has a crucial role to play. We can monitor electoral campaigns and parties’ activities. If state resources are abused, we must report it. And if regulations to prevent corruption aren’t in place, we must demand them. Rules about politicians’ conflicts of interest. For example our regulations to stop corporate lobbying and political funding from distorting the democratic process. If companies publish their donations, the y can show their contributions aren’t intended to win favors. By speaking out, we can show that everyone gains from honest elections and open decision-making. Background Benazir Bhutto of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) first came to power in August 1990 but later was dismissed. Her government was replaced by Nawaz Sharif and his Islamic Democratic Alliance (IJI) party in April 1993. After the resignation of both the president and the prime minister, and an interim government, elections were held, which resulted in a second term for Bhutto and the PPP. Her government was again dismissed in November 1996. Sharif returned as prime minister but this time representing the Pakistan Muslim  League party -N(PML-N). This era of democratic government ended in October 1999 following a military coup led by General Pervez Musharraf. After declaring himself the chief executive, the Supreme Court validated Musharraf’s claim to the presidency in May 2000. In 2002 a parliamentary election returned civilian rule, yet the Musharraf presidency was extended for another five years. During the military government, former Prime Minister Bhutto was indicte d and convicted on corruption charges at home (in April 1999) and abroad (in Switzerland in July 2003). Former Prime Minister Sharif was also tried and sentenced for acts of terrorism in April 2000 although he was eventually pardoned and went into exile. Against this backdrop, the political situation in Pakistan deteriorated. A devastating earthquake in 2005 in the Pakistan-administered Kashmir region greatly strained the government. In March 2007, further turbulence arose after the dismissal of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry for alleged misuse of office. Violence in the northern province of Waziristan and in the province of Balochistan in the south served another blow to national unity. After a period of civil unrest, Musharraf was re-elected to the presidency in October 2007, declaring a state of emergency and suspending the constitution within a month of taking office. Although parliamentary elections were to take place in 2007, they were first postponed because of worries of instability and later as a result of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in December 2007. When th e elections finally took place in February 2008, President Musharraf was defeated by the PPP and PML. The parties formed a coalition government in March 2008 with a new prime minister in power: Yusuf Raza Gilani. The Supreme Court justices that Musharraf had dismissed during the country’s state of emergency in 2007 were then restored. Currently, the fate of President Musharraf seems uncertain now that his party has been excluded from the ruling coalition. However, he has so far not given any indication that he is considering any type of voluntary resignation. Corruption in Government Corruption is rising in Pakistan society and now it is a bitter reality. Almost every person is corrupt no matter belongs to government or not. Pakistan is blessed with corrupt and fraud people from President to MPA all are corrupt who are sitting in Assemblies and Parliament and are said to be  called the so called leaders of Pakistan. The corruption does not only present in high government officials but every single Pakistani is corrupt. In my point of view corruption is in blood of Pakistani’s and without it our identity is incomplete. According to Transparency International Report in Pakistan corruption is increasing on every level from low level to high the ratio is the same and the result the general public have been crushed in a wheel of inflation. In Pakistan corruption is happening in all the departments whether it’s police, custom, education, media, judiciary it is almost everywhere every single institution. One cannot think of getting an NIC or passport eas ily without bribing the so called government employees who are said to be called the helpers of common man but in my point of view in every government institution corruption have been done openly without any fear. Because when our judiciary is corrupt that who will think of being punished in this corrupt society. It’s not only the fault of corrupt government which are rolling on us and has made our lives like hell, it’s our fault also when we quietly bear all the unfair things happening all around at least we should raise a voice but it is also impossible. Pakistan corruption has touched the sky and now it’s become uncontrollable and it has been spread like a fire in every institution of Pakistan. Pakistani nation are now use to the rising corruption in society and we the common man have mould ourselves in such a way that we also adopt the way of corruption in our daily lives. Corruption is not only done on high level and in government offices but it’s been happening all around because common people are get inspiration from high level officials and adopt the same behavior as they do for destroying general people. When milk man mixes water in milk what is this, this is also corruption but done on low level and from this also common man will be affected. When traffic police do Chelan of an ordinary citizen while violating traffic rules so the challenge meant nothing to us we just bribe the officer and all things better. Now the common man has also learnt the surviving techniques in the corrupt society like Pakistan and in way only we are able to survive. Corruption is there in Pakistani society and it cannot be controlled or stopped because of corrupt government and its Pakistan bad luck that after Liaquat Ali Khan Pakistan has been ruled by corrupt people. To whom we can  say that stop the evil of corruption from Pakistan but we the common man can only appeal to International organization who are funding our failed stated that â€Å"FOR GOD SAKE, DOES SOMETHING, TAKE HOLD OVER THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT, ARMY SOURCES AND ALL DEPTS. WHO ARE BECOME THE SLAUGHTER FOR GENERAL PUBLIC.OTHERWISE, HUMANITY WILL BE RUINED.† Corruption is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. The consensus is that corruption had started taking root immediately after Pakistan’s creation in 1947, when people in collusion with the bureaucracy filled fake claims to get property allotted to them. But none of the seven Prime ministers till 1970, Liaquat Ali Khan, Khwaja Nazimuddin, Muhammad Ali Bogra, Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, Huss ain Shaheed Suharwardy or Feroz Khan Noon were ever accused of being directly or indirectly involved in any kind of corruption. Neither did the Ayub Khan or Zulfiquar Ali. Bhutto governments encounter serious allegations of corruption. However, corruption received a huge fillip during ‘the lost decade’ under military dictator Zia ul Haq, when the US was fighting the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan and bags full of dollars were landing at the infamous Ojhri camp, the ISI covert headquarters in Rawalpindi. After Zia, two governments each of the PML and the PPP were dissolved on charges of corruption, following which Transparency International declared Pakistan the second most corrupt country in the world in 1996. When Pervez Musharraf took over in 1999, he promised ruthless and across-the-board accountability. Headed by Lt. Gen. Amjad Hussain, NAB managed to send shivers down several spines (particularly those of the business community) and succeeded in recovering Rs 300 billion. In the process, however, he sparked off massive capital flight, which forced then Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and former SBP governor Dr Ishrat Hussain to beg Mu sharraf to call off the witchhunt for businessmen. Hussain was thus unceremoniously ousted and none of his successors were willing to take up the cause. Meanwhile, it is said, the Chaudhrys of Gujrat prevailed upon Musharraf and forced him to give up the drive against corruption and go instead for their political opponents. This gave birth to the infamous National Reconciliation Ordinance, the object of which was to pardon the corrupt and the criminals in the name of national reconciliation. But in December 2009, the Supreme Court declared the ordinance illegal. Meanwhile, the past PPP government has won for  itself the dubious distinction of being the worst government in last 64 years. The title may not be wholly undeserved: a number of top government officials (including ministers and senior officials) have either been sent to jail or have had criminal investigations launched against them on the directives of the Supreme Court (this list includes our new prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, who faces charges in a rental power case in which Rs120 billion were swindled). Meanwhile, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is also considered among the biggest players in the corruption game. According to a daring statement made by the previous PPP finance minister Shaukat Tarin, the premier tax collection agency is involved in tax evasion worth Rs 500 billion annually. This is why one never hears of tax evaders being jailed in Pakistan; ‘punishment’ comprises nominal fines and penalties, which further encourage evaders to remain within the ever-expanding underground economy. While the World Bank gave $150 million to Pakistan for reforming the FBR and effecting real documentation of the economy, nothing has happened so far. That said, Pakistan is not the only victim of corruption. Even so called honest societies in the west, including the US, seem to shine on the surface but are rotting at the core due to corruption. Among recent laws introduced in the European Union is one that states that corruption cannot be challenged in a court of law; hardly anybody is arrested in the US for having committed financial fraud. The black economy is also a global phenomenon which, according to The Economist, accounted for a missing nine trillion dollars worth of output in 1998, an amount close to the size of the US economy. Later, a study by Australian economist Friedrich Schneider attempted to measure the size of the black economy in 76 developed and emerging economies. Among the findings was the fact that underground activity is equivalent to 15 percent of officially reported GDP on average in rich economies and about one-third of GDP in emerging ones. In India, the black economy which was rampant in the 1970s is back and booming, pushing up stock and property prices, caus ing inflation and even making the Indian rupee unusually strong against the dollar. The black economy is growing in India and is now estimated to be worth a stunning 500 billion dollars, almost half the size of the official economy. National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chief, Admiral (retired) Fasih Bokhari has said at a press conference in Islamabad that in his estimate, corruption in Pakistan could  be Rs 10-12 billion a day. Earlier, the NAB had put out a relatively less shocking figure of six to seven billion rupees a day which had upset the cabinet of Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf. The retired admiral has responded to the ire of the politicians by being blunter. The factor of the politicians is significant. When you cut them out, the world detects significant cutback in corruption. During the early days of the General (retired) Pervez Musharraf regime, there was subsidence in the occurrence of graft because his government was still to expand to get him the ‘legitimacy’ he wanted as a ruler. After patterns of corruption get repeated, the people start complaining about it. Their encounter with graft takes place with departments that deal with them: the police, the judiciary, the income tax bureaucracy, the customs, land records, etc. In many cases, at the provincial and federal levels, departments are presided over by politicians as ministers. Third World levels of corruption have been identified and accepted as unavoidable. The noise of corruption in India and China is deafening but no one says they are ‘failing states’ because of corruption. In fact, both are counted as successful in comparison to the ‘no-corruption’ countries in the EU and the US superpower itself. Those who advocate ‘tough accountability’ before the 2013 elections in Pakistan need to reflect a little on the precedents. But that doesn’t mean we should do nothing about the loss of public trust in the NAB and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and other corrupt anti-corruption institutions. First of all, the NAB, FIA and FBR should be constitutionally protected in their powers to take action against offenders. But the catch is that Pakistan’s problem number one is not corruption but law and order and writ of the state. As China and India demonstrate, a country can still be rated ‘successfulâ⠂¬â„¢ if it has a functioning economy undamaged by a dysfunctional state. All the more significant because until a few weeks ago, the former navy chief had estimated that the amount lost through corrupt practices was just Rs 5 billion a day. And the revised figure is giving severe heartburn to politicians; former civil and military officials as well as the people of Pakistan who are now demanding Bukhari expose and take action against the corrupt. However, even if Bukhari were so determined, he’d be walking into the Augean stables. ‘Pakistan’ and ‘corruption’ are synonymous in the eyes of the world. Not only has the vice gained acceptance as a way of life,  corruption has been institutionalized in Pakistan over the years. Take, for example, the latest ordinance promulgated by President Asif Ali Zardari, which allows investors to invest in the stock market without disclosing their source of funds till 2014. Plain as a pikestaff, the move is aimed at assisting people to whiten their black money and evade accountability, a fact confirmed by concerned officials. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan continues to insist that the move is essential to jumpstarting investment since the stock market is a risky business and won’t attract significant investors under the prevailing circumstances. That said, there are primarily two categories of corruption in Pakistan. One is tax evasion, which funnels monies into the black economy; the second is the siphoning of funds from the formal economy by the informal economy. It’s this latter category that hurts the Pakistan economy most. The practice that generates the largest gains for tax evaders in Pakistan is the under invoicing of import goods, particularly machinery. Since the economy is largely under documented, the culprits easily get away from under the noses of the authorities responsible for maintaining checks and balances and eradicating sham business practices. But corruption is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. The consensus is that corruption had started taking root immediately after Pakistan’s creation in 1947, when people – in collusion with the bureaucracy – filed fake claims to get property allotted to them. Low Salaries The basic reason for corruption is low salaries as everyone is finding a way to better their living standard as much as they can; it’s also a human nature that he has everything more and more. So mostly corruption is to be seen where there are people having fewer salaries they use corrupt ways to achieve the goal. It is true that they do not have any other way to fulfill their wants. The Judiciary The other sector in Pakistan which is seen as notoriously inefficient and corrupt is the judiciary. According to TI Pakistan’s 2006 survey, 96 percent of the people who came in contact with the judiciary encountered corruption and 44 percent of them reported having  to pay a bribe to a court official. The judiciary is also viewed as lacking independence from the executive and contributing to a general culture of impunity. Despite these problems, judges are exempt from oversight and investigations by Pakistan’s national anticorruption agency, the National Accountability Bureau. The business community generally lacks confidence in the capacity of the judiciary to enforce rules and laws, and the settlement of disputes often involves paying bribes. For example, the judiciary takes an average of 880 days to settle a business dispute at a cost of 24 percent of the claim the country’s tax and public finance administration has also been affected by corruption Survey According to a survey carried out by Transparency International the corruptions factors are as follows along with their results in terms of percentage. TI-Survey on Causes of Corruption-Mega & Petty †¢ Lack of Accountability (31.68%) †¢ Low salaries (16.54%) †¢ Monopoly of power (16.43%) †¢ Discretionary powers (12.61%) †¢ Lack of transparency (9.97%) †¢ Power of influential people (4.59%) †¢ Red Tapism (4.28%) †¢ Others (4.9%) Survey the most corrupt departments in Pakistan. Measures Now in order to combat them few measures need to be taken are as follows †¢ Strengthening of Institutions †¢ Supremacy of Law †¢ Prevalence of code of conduct †¢ Proper checks and balance on all officials as well as citizens †¢ Increase in salaries and incentives †¢ Restoration of judiciary on free basis †¢ Hiring of new employees on merit rather than beneficiaries †¢ Proper awareness campaigns need to be formed Corruption in society In areas of food and water, education and health, employment and so forth people across Asia face extremely serious problems of corruption. When attempting to gain the basic services to which they are entitled as members of society, corruption remains a serious obstacle. we are not implementing the good system and processes and nor we are whole heartedly following that political system, due to this, corruption is the main produce which we are reaping now and that’s why we are looking for a leadership who will follow the rules whole heartedly and put us on track. Impact of corruption on our society To a varying degree, corruption exists in almost all countries. However, the degree to which it impacts the common people’s lives and increases poverty is directly proportional to the level of this scourge and how widespread it is in society. A country’s or provinces development depends on how much of the States resources are lost to this ugly practice. In developed countries, where corruption is limited to a small number of projects and where common people do not encounter it on a daily basis, the adverse impact tends to be marginal and does not jeopardize the welfare of its people. In contrast, a poor country like Pakistan, where each borrowed dollar must be spent to uplift the people from poverty, it has a significant impact. A recent World Bank report lists corruption and lack of transparency as the two core reasons that hamper Pakistan’s drive for development. Corruption can also affect the various components of sports activities (referees, players, medical and laboratory staff involved in anti-doping controls, members of national sport federation and international committees deciding about the allocation of contracts and competition places). Corruption in Education Education is a fundamental human right and a major driver of human and economic development. It strengthens personal integrity and shapes the societies in which we live. Since education typically comprises 20-30 per cent of a country’s budget, it is critically prone to corruption, from national education ministries to local schools and universities. The cost of corruption is high. Stolen resources from education budgets mean overcrowded classrooms and crumbling schools, or no schools at all. Books and supplies  are sometimes sold instead of being given out freely. Schools and universities also ‘sell’ school places or charge unauthorized fees, forcing students (usually girls) to drop out. Teachers and lecturers are appointed through family connections, without qualifications. Grades can be bought, while teachers force students to pay for tuition outside of class. In higher education, undue government and private sector influence can skew research agendas. The end result is limited access to and poor quality of education, and a social acceptance of corruption through a corrupted education system. SUMMARY Corruption remains a substantial obstacle for Pakistan where it is still perceived to be widespread and systemic. Petty corruption in the form of bribery is prevalent in law enforcement, procurement and the provision of public services. The judiciary is not seen as independent and considered to be shielding corrupt political practices from prosecution. Various efforts over the past years have tried to develop institutional mechanisms to address these problems. A National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which was developed in 2002, offers a comprehensive plan for tackling corruption. The executing agency, the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), is endowed with comprehensive powers to investigate and prosecute cases. However, a lack of political will, coupled with the perceived co-option of the judiciary and the arbitrariness of many anti-corruption proceedings, are major obstacles in the fight against corruption. Conclusion In Pakistan, corruption has eaten up the inner of people belonging to all walks, sections, areas and classes in the country. The poorest is least corrupt only because there is nothing handy to steal from the laborer who puts in half a day’s work and charges for the full day, is as corrupt as the executive engineer in a government department who puts half the project funds in his pocket. The problem, therefore, is somewhat larger than it appears. Corruption has become part of our system. It is much easy to diagnose the problem, analyze it and lay it out explicitly but it is more difficult to prescribe as to what can be done about it. Fortunately, the solutions to all the problems sketched out above are well known: i.e. transparency, openness accountability, selection on merit, privatization,  competitive tendering, and removal of discretion and enforcement of the rule of law. Not with standing, mentioning or diagnosing the hallmarks of an egalitarian society or corruption. Fr ee policy; there is dire need to pen down practical measures in removing or rooting out corruption from the country. Following steps may also ensure corruption-free future in our country. Establishment of independent commission to combat corruption and ensuring independence of regulatory institutions, and independent judiciary, in this regard, plays a vital role in upholding the rule of law and protecting a society against corruption. It can ensure that no one is above the law. There is also need to ensure the independence of regulatory institutions such as the Central Bank, Securities and Exchange Commission in order to prevent major corruption in relation to the financial operations of banks and stock exchanges. Loans must be issued pledging the equal value property without politician’s pressure. Declaration and publications of assets of all persons holding elected office and their family members, such declarations should be available for inspection to the members of the public. In the UK a number measures have been adapted to monitor and provide checks on activities of members of Parliame nt. A register that is open for inspection by the public is maintained in which members have to declare nine categories of interest from which they may derive financial benefits. All the public servants should be compelled by law to clear their deskwork within a reasonable time. Failing which, they should be punished with deduction from their pay because sometime they delay in work to get some benefit from people. Work in offices should be automatic so that needy persons do not have to visit offices and give an opportunity to clerks to make illegal demands. Citizens should be free to lodge complaints with courts or ombudsman. Discretionary powers of officials should be kept to the minimum and be monitored by respectable citizens. Let us revive social boycott of corrupt politicians, officials, businessmen and even journalists. In addition there is a dire need to organize various forms of civil society groups, raise voices and keep on highlighting these issues, use the free press to expose the real instances of corruption and malpractices and act as pressure group. Moral and religious awareness are also key solutions to this problem.